Privacy Information Protection Policy

Date of establishment : July 18, 2023
Last revised : July 18, 2023
President and CEO : Akihiro Miyamae

MIYAMAE corporation fully recognize our social mission regarding the protection of all personal information we handle, and will comply with the protection of the rights of individuals and legal regulations regarding personal information. In addition, we have built a personal information protection management system to embody the policy shown below, and we hereby declare that we will work as a company to continuously improve it while always being aware of the latest trends in IT technology, changes in social demand, and fluctuations in the business environment.

  • a) We will only acquire, use, and provide personal information to the extent necessary for the legitimate execution of our business in infrastructure and construction-related businesses, home battery storage, Solar mounting structure, and our own products (electric fishing reels, golf test robots), as well as for the employment and management of employees. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to gain the specified purpose of use (unintended use). We will also take measures to prevent unintended use.
  • b) We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection, guidelines established by the government, and other standards.
  • c) We will take reasonable safety measures to prevent the risk of leakage, loss, and damage of personal information, and will continuously improve our personal information security system by investing management resources that are in line with the actual business situation. In addition, if we determine that there is a problem with personal information protection, we will take prompt corrective measures.
  • d) We will respond promptly, sincerely, and appropriately to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.
  • e) We will review our personal information protection management system in a timely and appropriate manner in light of changes in the environment surrounding our company, and will continually improve it.

For inquiries regarding our privacy policy, please contact the following contact.
MIYAMAE CO., LTD. Personal information inquiry contact desk
1-2-32 Aramoto Higashiosaka-shi Osaka-fu 577-0023, JAPAN
TEL: +81-6-6782-1006
FAX: +81-6-6788-3820